We are offering attractive study programs built on the needs of the aviation industry and the space engineering industry. During the bachelor's and engineering studies, you can take basic training courses for maintenance technicians in the Aerospace Technology study program. Our graduates are developing their careers in aviation in dozens of countries around the world - join them.
The Faculty of Aeronautics is the continuation of the more than sixty-year history of aviation education in Košice based on quality training of future aviation experts. As part of extensive cooperation with external partners, we bring current knowledge to the teaching process and contribute to the acquisition of the latest knowledge through our research.
Become part of the club of more than 5,000 successful graduates who have left the gates of the Faculty of Aeronautics and work in various areas of the aviation sector. A successful career begins with studies focused on the requirements of practical life.
The scientific-research environment focuses on identifying current challenges in the field of aviation and space technology, which find solutions in our scientific-research workplaces and laboratories.
The Faculty of Aeronautics is always open to aviation and space enthusiasts.
Ja s udivením hľadím do vesmíru a snažím sa určiť v ňom súradnice mojej duše.
Milan Rastislav Štefánik
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