Air Traffic Control
The study is aimed at educating university-educated air traffic controllers for air traffic control positions in the Slovak Republic, for which a given level of education is required.
The content of the study is based on the qualification prerequisites that have been newly created for the EU states and are enshrined in the regulations for the qualification of a member of the air traffic services (European Air Traffic Management) EATMP. The theoretical and general subjects, which are concentrated in the first year, are followed in the next two years by special subjects defined by the ECAC European regulation for acquiring the theoretical knowledge of an ATCO air traffic controller. The aim of university studies is for the graduate to obtain not only a comprehensive bachelor's education in the field, but also to prepare him to take the ATCO theoretical exams, the completion of which is a necessary prerequisite for the issuance of an ATCO license by the Aviation Authority of the Slovak Republic. The theoretical study is organized in such a way that the student has the opportunity to complete practical training on simulators for air traffic control. The study is completed by a state exam connected with the defense of the bachelor's thesis.
Qualification readiness and degree of professional adaptability to the conditions and requirements of practice:
The graduate is prepared to perform the work of an air traffic controller in accordance with European aviation regulations, which entitles him to be an air traffic control worker in any country of the European Union after passing specific exams. A student who does not succeed or is unable to complete the training in its entirety during the course of study can apply to the Slovak Transport Authority for a theoretical knowledge test and a practical test to obtain a license of another level in the framework of air traffic control.
Characteristics of professions and institutions where the graduate can apply the acquired education:
The graduate of the study is ready to perform the work of an air traffic controller for air transport operators, or for the performance of other functions for which the competence of an air traffic control worker of the corresponding qualification is required. The graduate of the study has the required theoretical knowledge and practical experience to perform the function of a military air traffic controller in the Air Force of the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic.